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Delonix regia Medicinal Component: Leaves Used medicinally as an antimicrobial, antioxidant, cardio-protective, antimalaria,...

SCORPION TAIL - treat skin sores and burns

Heliotropium angiospermum Medicinal Component: Leaves (topical use) Used topically to treat skin sores and burns. Method of Preparation:...

SEAGRAPE - treat diarrhea

Coccoloba uvifera Medicinal Component: (whole plant) Decoctions of wood and bark are used to wash wounds (topical use) and to treat...

VICKS PLANT - muscle aches and to help heal bruises

Plectranthus tomentosa Medicinal Component: Fresh Leaves The leaf fragrance clears up sinus and respiratory tract congestion. Boil leaves...

GUMBO LIMBO (Copperwood) - UTI and skin infections

Bursera simaruba Medicinal Component: Bark, Leaves Gumbo limbo bark decoction is taken internally for urinary tract infections, sunstroke...

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