BROADLEAF PLANTAIN - antioxidants with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory
Plantago Major Medicinal Component: Whole Plant Full of antioxidants with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Juice,...
Plantago Major Medicinal Component: Whole Plant Full of antioxidants with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Juice,...
Carica papaya Medicinal Component: Leaves, Fruit Used for intestinal tract health, to combat Dengue Fever and accelerates the formation...
Delonix regia Medicinal Component: Leaves Used medicinally as an antimicrobial, antioxidant, cardio-protective, antimalaria,...
Rivina humilis Medicinal Component: Boiled Leaves Only #Toxic Berries Leaves are boiled for 10 minutes. Leaves are consumed or the liquid...
Heliotropium angiospermum Medicinal Component: Leaves (topical use) Used topically to treat skin sores and burns. Method of Preparation:...
Hamelia patens Medicinal Component: Leaves, Stems, Flowers Firebush contains antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties...
Azadirachta indica Medicinal Component: Leaves, Bark Used traditionally for the treatment of inflammation, infections, fever, skin...
Phyla nodiflora Medicinal Component: Whole Plant Medicinal Uses: Avoid During Pregnancy Fogfruit has anodyne properties and is used to...
Bacopa monnieri Medicinal Component: Leaves, green stems Used to enhance memory and encourage brain health. Also known for antibacterial...
Callicarpa americana Medicinal Component: Leaves, stems, fruit Tea of leaves and fruit is used to treat upset stomachs. Whole plant is...
Opuntia Medicinal Component: Cactus Pads The cactus pads have antiviral properties, are high in antioxidants, anti inflammatory have...
Eriobotrya japonica Medicinal Component: Leaves, Fruit, Flowers The fruit and leaves are exceptionally high in antioxidants and an immune...
Coccoloba uvifera Medicinal Component: (whole plant) Decoctions of wood and bark are used to wash wounds (topical use) and to treat...
Lepidium virginicum Medicinal Component: Whole Plant The Leaves are rich in vitamin C and good for detoxifying the body. Fresh leaves may...
Plectranthus tomentosa Medicinal Component: Fresh Leaves The leaf fragrance clears up sinus and respiratory tract congestion. Boil leaves...
Lonicera sempervirens Medicinal Component: Leaves Only *Toxic Berries to Humans Tea made from leaves is used to treat sore throats,...
Sida acuta Medicinal Component: Whole plant Medicinal Uses: Like other members of the Mallow (Malvaceae) family, Sida Acuta is a...
Bidens alba, Bidens pilosa Medicinal Component: Whole Plant Medicinal Uses: Antibacterial, antiviral, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory...
Bursera simaruba Medicinal Component: Bark, Leaves Gumbo limbo bark decoction is taken internally for urinary tract infections, sunstroke...
Petiveria alliacea Medicinal Component: Whole Plant Medicinal Uses: Guinea Hen Weed is well known for its ability to boost the immune...